Stylist Laura : Master Stylist Houston Texas
3 min readJun 24, 2020
“ IN THE MIX STUDIIO’s ” own Laura Romero has the spotlight
GET TO KNOW : ( @stylistlaurainthemix )
Q : What’s your full name, age, and where are you from?
A - “Hi! I’m Laura Estephanie Romero I‘m 28 years old born and raised in Houston, TX . ”
Q : What do you do for a living?
A - “ I’m a Master hairstylist, I don’t consider this work it is more like a passion. ”
Q : When did you know that you wanted to turn your gift into a career ?
A - “ When I was 12 years old I realized what my future would hold.. “
Q : Who are some of your biggest influences in your industry?
A - “ My biggest influences are the people around me that help me through this journey. Anyone that I came across within the industry I am very thankful and appreciative for all their help and advice. I wouldn’t be who I am today without those experiences.. ”
Q : What would you consider your biggest accomplishments thus far in your career?
A - “ My biggest accomplishments are having my own Studio, being able to create art, and helping others feel good and confident about themselves. ”
Q : What legacy would you like to leave behind for yourself?
A - “ My biggest legacy is to continue to empower one another and have fun. Don’t forget anything is possible, “You are your on limit”. ”
Q : How has the recent pandemic impacted the way you approach your craft ?
A - “ The pandemic did affect me financially, but what it also did is gave a new beginning of something beautiful. I was able to pick up new skills, enhance my previous , and have different incomes all at once! ”
Q : Where do you see yourself in the next 5 years?
A - “Within 5 years I will have my own Franchise of In The Mix Studiio! Hard work pays off. This is just the beginning ! “
Alumni - Regency Beauty Institute
To BOOK with Stylist Laura today “click the link” Below.
Follow @stylistlaurainthemix on Instagram for updates and more.