Abyon Ausar McInnis : Marketing Specialist , Brand Ambassador, & Emerging Actor.

4 min readJul 17, 2020


“ Sometimes simplicity comes in the ability to be in two places at once ”

Head Shot of @abyon_ausar

“ Relax and take a moment to unwind as we get exclusive access with emerging actor and brand ambassador Abyon Ausar McInnis. Abyon has been featured in many catalogs over the years helping to build his status and enhancing his craft with every step. Learn more about his future plans [ Full Interview Below ].”

Questions and Answers

Q. What’s your full name, age, and where are you from?

A. “ My name is Abyon Ausar McInnis , I am 28 years old born in Jacksonville, Florida.”

Photo of @abyon_ausar

Q. What do you do for a living?

A. “ I am a multifaceted experiential marketing specialist. My focus right now is on opportunities in brand management, modeling, acting, social media marketing, and emcee work.”

Q. When did you know that you wanted to turn your gift into a career ?

A. “ I have always gravitated towards opportunities that allow me to create impactful experiences for people. My gift is connecting with people and combining my adaptability and resourcefulness to meet any challenge. As a former educator, I crafted custom curriculum's for my students resulting in record setting test scores. I knew I had a talent for engineering lasting positive change in those I interact with. The path to turn my passions and gifts into a career came when I signed with The Brown Agency in August 2018.”

Q. Who are some of your biggest influences in your industry?

A. “ To name a few some of my biggest influences are Gary Vee , ( multimedia specialist and entrepreneur) , Michael B. Jordan ( actor, producer, activist ) , Eric Thomas ( motivational, inspirational speaker ) and Adam McInnis (entrepreneur ).”

Photo of @abyon_ausar

Q. What would you consider your biggest accomplishment thus far in your career?

A. “ My biggest accomplishment was securing representation with agencies in 3 different states, 2 years after entering the industry. The exposure I gained to these agencies and more was thanks to my management at the time, J3 Productions, having me attend the Mike Beauty Model and Talent Expo. Thanks to this experience, I was inspired to take a fresh approach to the business and was able to capitalize on the momentum of expanding my network there.

Q. What legacy would you like to leave behind for yourself?

A. “ I am big on character, connection, and experience. My legacy will be in the people I leave behind. It’s not about what I leave for myself, it’s what I leave for them.

I want to be remembered for the positive impact I have on those that are close to me like my family and loved ones. I want to be remembered for using my resilience and resourcefulness to defy the odds to better myself and those around me.”

Q . How has the recent pandemic impacted the way you approach your craft ?

A. “ My craft and the success I experience from it are based on my network and ability to expand my skill set. The pandemic has required a more thoughtful approach to the way I interact with my network in a digital space. ”

“ The physical aspect of experiential marketing has been completely postponed or put on hold. Cases in which I can interact with people in person are that much more valuable now when seeking exposure to new opportunities.

In the absence of in person conventions or classes, I’ve invested in different resources to sharpen my craft and pursue continual improvement like enhanced recording and lighting equipment and researching virtual sessions.”

Q . Where do you see yourself in the next 5 years?

A. “ I’m open to seeing where my path leads me in the next 5 years. I see myself pursuing challenges that motivate me to continuously become a better version of myself.

I want to experience further depths of the entertainment business , and in the next 5 years, I will have left my comfort zone more times than I will remember . ”






Alumni, Awards and Associations

  • Graduate of Florida A&M University
  • Cum Laude with a BA in Elementary Education
  • A member of the FAMU’s Marching 100 Band


  • Phi Mu Alpha Symphonia Fraternity of America , Incorporated (Music Fraternity)
  • Phi Delta Kappa International (Educational Fraternity)
  • Kappa Delta Pi (International Honor Society in Educational)


  • United States Merchant Mariner Credential
  • Universal Basketball Association 2019–2020 (minor league men’s professional basketball team)


  • Mike Beauty Model & Talent Expo 2019 Commercial male runway competition runner-up


  • The Brown Agency
  • Slamm Management (Georgia)
  • Anthm New York Management (New York)


  • “Blind”, Gail Bauman, “Voices of Color” 2017

Commercial / Acting Credits

  • Amazon
  • Dell
  • Optimum Nutrition
  • Arena Sports
  • American Campus Communities
  • Dynamax
  • Giant Foods
  • Discover Card
  • Facebook
  • Ozarka Water





Published writer , Music critic , Marketing expert..

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